As your mother always used to say, “Necessity is the mother of invention” though usually it was mother who was the mother of invention. But I digress.

By all accounts at the time of this writing, May 19, 2020, we are between three and six months into the global pandemic that is COVID-19. It has been life-disrupting in countless ways but this is not the forum to review the ongoing death and destruction of human lives or our national economy that this pandemic has wrought

A rare silver lining to this dark cloud is our ability to still congregate, be a part of one another’s lives and strengthen the bonds of friendship and mutual respect that is at the very core of BNI. Chapter 64 has embraced the videoconferencing technology of Zoom and continues to leverage its capabilities to allow our membership to stay connected. It has also afforded us the opportunity to expand our reach, to invite and meet other BNI visitors from, literally, around the world. We have had visitors from Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands and others join us for our Tuesday morning meetings.

Each meeting we get better, smoother and more effective at conducting our weekly gathering over Zoom. We invite all visitors, both non-member guests as well as other BNI chapter members. Please fill out our contact form and we’ll make sure you’re invited to our next meeting. It’s a great way to start the day and will give you that kickstart we so sorely need as we battle through this pandemic.

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