BNI (Business Networking International) is the longest standing and most successful networking organization of its kind. Individual members come to know and trust each other, building long term relationships to grow their careers. Those working in similar fields develop industry-related “power spheres” to leverage their skills and create more business together. The ideas behind the established networking platform have been tweaked for over 30 years and are extremely successful. An important distinction from other networking organizations is that each seat represents an individual profession and there is no overlap.

The BNI concepts are not only proven to develop and grow the members’ individual businesses, but they strengthen and expand the network of the chapter as a whole. The main philosophy is “Giver’s Gain.” The more you give to your fellow member; the more you’ll receive in return. This translates into millions of dollars worth of closed business every year as everyone grows and prospers together.


Chapter Members in the same industry meet together to brainstorm shared marketing efforts and collaborations.


With $1.700,000 referred in 2019, we’re looking to reach $2,000,000 in 2020!


From happy hours to golf outings, we don’t ignore the social component of networking either.


We always celebrate when someone has new business and it’s a weekly event!


BNI provides a positive, supportive, and structured environment for the development and exchange of quality business referrals. It does so by helping you build personal relationships with dozens of other qualified business professionals.

Last year, members of BNI passed millions of referrals that generated billions of dollars of business for each other.  Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of salespeople representing your business, and in return you are representing their businesses. What goes around comes around. If I help you, you’ll help me and we will both benefit as a result.

Networking requires commitment. The most successful chapters of BNI are comprised of participants who are sincerely committed to helping one another through networking. They are a team. As a participant in BNI, you are responsible for complying with the policies and guidelines of the organization.


  • Weekly meetings last for 90 minutes
  • Members need to arrive on time and stay for the entire meeting
  • Only one person from each professional specialty is accepted into a chapter of BNI
  • All participants must represent their primary occupation
  • Attendance is critical. If you cannot attend a meeting, you may send a substitute
  • Participants are required to bring bona-fide referrals and/or visitors to their chapter of BNI


Please see the chapter Secretary/Treasurer for exact information. When you apply to participate in BNI your application will be reviewed by the chapter’s Membership Committee and you will be notified of the status before the next meeting.

Annual dues

$599 (one year)
$950 (two years)

Quarterly breakfast dues


One time application fee



  • To Make Money!
  • Increased exposure to many other business professionals
  • Substantially increase business through referrals
  • Learn to effectively talk about your business
  • Sharpen your presentation skills
  • Participation in up to 52 networking meetings per year
  • Advanced Education Series workshops
  • Leadership Team Training
  • Participation in business tradeshows
  • Participation in local conferences
  • SuccessNet newsletters with educational material
  • Member Success Program workshop

All right reserved 2020 Manhattan Chapter 64 | Website By TEConsult & Think Trek Solution